Functional accessibility of your website for users to distinguish, navigate, understand and interpret through assistive technologies can be achieved by applying the POUR principles to web development as recommended by W3C.
Learn to develop good user stories and turn them into a competitive advantage for your team. A user story is short, specific and goal-oriented. In one sentence, a user story will describe user type, what that user wants, and why. Creating a user story also aids cross-department communication and understanding. They open an opportunity for […]
A must for any digital commerce website, meet your customers at the right time in the right place with Google Smart Shopping. It's easy to set up and takes minimal maintenance! If you don't, it's similar to having a brick and mortar without a shop assistant to serve customers at the cash register. This campaign […]
One of the most common questions people ask me when they are creating a new website is “where should I host my website and what do I need to consider?” In simple terms, web hosting is where the website files (codes) are stored and executed. An easy way to think of this is a power […]