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What Is the Best Project Management Software for Working From Home?

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Ok, good question. I can interview all your stakeholder and gather a detailed list of their requirements. Then we can do a software audit of the top few that I think meet all of the criteria. Then we can invite them to pitch for your business. We’ll negotiate the winning candidate down on their fee. Once the licence agreement has gone through procurement for scrutiny we’ll put together a implementation project team to setup, configure and do all the custom development.

Was the above answer the one you were looking for? If you’re a government department or multinational it might be, but chances are you’re a mere mortal if me and you’re already ticked off by how much I’ve made you read before giving you a one word answer.

Ok, here it is, the best project management software for working from home is Asana.

Why? I love it. It’s simple, flexible and can give you enough oversight on work to monitor and control projects with many moving parts. But it’s not just me who thinks so. It’s rated number 1 on G2 for both market presence and satisfaction.


But don’t take over 500 reviews as gospel. Try Asana out for free. Signup here and get 10% off your first year (coupon code peterzakrzewski2048) if you do decide to stick with it. And if you do stick with it and need some help with setup, on-boarding or some best practice tips, get in touch, I’d be happy to help.

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